weird hobby of mine

I stare myself in the mirror. Blood on my lips. I kindda look like Megan Fox in the 'Jennifer's Body", less hot ofcourse. Its painful, sangat. And yet, I still couldn't stop myself from doing what I'm about to do. I've done this before, and I'm going to do it again.
Sakit? Yes. Satisfying? Sangat.

(Ika sedang kusyuk mencabut kulit kering dibibirnya)

My mum akan yell at me if shw saw apa yang saya buat sekarang. (sorry ma) But I just cant help myself. Kulit kering on your lips sangat annoying! serious~ "Ika nak ke bibir besar, macam Beyonce?", way back then, my mum used t say that, right after she yell stop, ofcourse. But then again, saya tetap buat juga. hish. No wonder lah my bibir tak match langsung dengan my parents. haha.

You know what, saya pernah buat konklusi yang saya lah anak yang adil. Bukan dari segi apa, but dari segi bentuk muka. yes. pelik, tapi benar.
Saya takboleh nak bagitahu samaada mata saya ni ikut mama or ayah, but saya boleh cakap yang my right eyebrow ikut my dad's, while my left eyebrow ikut my mum's. pelik, tapi benar. My dads eyebrow dy sharp kat hujung and slightly tinggi kat tengah-tengah, while my mums pula, her eyebrow macam eyebrow heroin dalam cerita china zaman dulu-dulu. Senang cerita macam Lady Gaga kat dalam video Telephone, hujung dia macam keatas sikit.
My nose is a mixture of my dads' nose and my mums'. My dads' nose tajam with rounded hujung, while my mum is just plain round, jadi equal nya, hidung Ika yang comel. perasan. hahaa~
But my lips,, oh ya Allah. haha. memang tak serupalah langsung~ haha. both my parents mempunyai bibir yang nipis. but mine.. .. Ok, mungkin tak seseksi Angelina's or Megan's, but,,, ,, ohh, you should have seen my ID. serious. yea, mungkin juga sebab saya selalu kopek bibir. I better stop.. hmm.. I dont think so. apaaa nak buat.
hobby kann~

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