vegetarians & pescetarians

Its not like I'm mad or something but this this, have got to stop. we recite a Doa makan, I eat my food and you eat yours. simple isnt it?

(ok, korang mesti tengah pelik. cerita dia macam ni)

Saya, suka makan. And hampir semua orang yang kenal saya tahu yang saya ni beef eater. Its not like I only eat beef but, I do eat them. The point is that, what I'm trying to tell you is that, mm, I'm not a vegetarian, or,, pese,, pedese,, pescetarians,, yes (i'd just googled that out. bengong). But yea, I am neither both, I eat meat. But I have vegetarians friends and pescetarians friends like Ayu, GG, Jack and Ilmi. I respect them pasal mereka baik. But I, tak, respect you. yea, you. (kalau awak sedar awak siapa lah kan.)

Its ok to be vegetarian or pescetarians, I guess. And one thing for sure memang sape yang nak jadi ,, lets make it short ok, I'm sick of ulang alik and tulis panjang gila so, kita short kan jadi,, Vepe ok? ok. It ok to be vepe, but apa yang saya rasa, siapa yang jadi vepe ni sumpah memang sangat lah penyabar orangnya. serious. I, I just cant.. I've tried once to be v'tarian, but it only lasted for,, what,, one month? ke tak sampai? I couldnt remember, but main thing, memang sekejap je. I cant help it, meat is so god damn good. serious. esspecially bila time raya. my fav food waktu raya is daging masak kicap. and how can u be a vepe bila u're fav food is daging masak kicap. that is just, wrong.

anyway, I enjoy meat but its not like I ni jahat ok. pple yang enjoy meat bukan nya orang yang macam dalam cerita Saw. Im telling this because I just cant control my kebengangan bila I dengar orang cakap "aww, how can you eat that. its meat. it deserve to live. not die in you mouth.." what do you mean die in my mouth? this thing dah die dah lama ok. and dont say that to me, or other people who were about to eat their bigmac. such a,, ,, nafsu makans' killer. serious. You just dont say that, is wrong and,, wrong. I respect you jadi Vepe but please tolong respect I yang tengah kebuluq. I totally understand yang your stomach memang boleh full dengan makan only tofu, mine's to ok, but not now. not now when Im actually holding a regular size juicy bigmac. let me just, enjoy this moment yang begitu indah dengan my juicy bigmac. leave me alone.

ok, i kid. but seriously, ada orang buat camtu, ada orang cakap macam tu. Ok, skip that, I went and eat bubur instead. and, you guys know yang bubur mcd ada this ketulan daging ayam right. and, we barely even nampak that ayam right? so ok. I was about to makan then suddenly I hear,, "ughh disgusting." so I put me spoon down and like, "excuse me?",, and she reply "you ika, you're disgusting. you eat that poor animal. you disgust me.".. .. ok, this is war. "its my food. you, you just enjoy your fries and stop talking about my food. ok?". ok. thank god I did explode like hell waktu tu. serious. I just cakap dalam hati je lepas tu.. main thing, you dont talk like that to my poor innocent food ok. I respect u as a pessssecccrrsdertian blablabla but you dont talk like that to my food. I was so angry waktu tu. serious. and bukan ke dulu dia sendiri pun bukan dilahirkan terus jadi vepe. dia pernah je makan daging semua. bengong terpengaruh kawan.
geram saya.

Seriously, I tak marah sesiapa sahaja yang vegan ke pescetarians ke, it your life. you just eat what you want to eat. but dont 'ughh you disgusting' me when you see me eating meat. this is my food. and please do stop talk about how much you love animals and you dont eat them when I know that you hate and even pernah tendang stray cats before. sangat berpura-pura disitu. and i believe that is not right at all to disgust food. kan? I believe takada nya tulis dalam Al-Quran yang meat-eater ni salah. so, siapa awak untuk marah meat-eater. betul? do me a favour and stop talking about the environment, air pollutions and blablabla and salah kan meat-eater pasal benda ni. sangat ***** And, untuk mengingatkan awak, this thing tak kan berlaku kalau awak tak 'ugh u're disgusting ika' me hari tu. i totally respect you and your eating,, ,, plan,, no,, your eating,, ,,hmm,, im lost. anyway.
just dont do that again. this is not you.

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